Work Experience
2023 - Present
Lebanese Alternative Learning
2022 - 2023
Tylleum - (Contract)
2023 - Present
Inbound Square (Contract)
2021 - 2023
One More Multiverse
Personal and freelance projects.
A JavaScript implementation of a cryptocurrency wallet generator for Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Tools: Node.js, Ethers.js, BIP39.js
A quantum-resistant web server for a post-quantum computing world.
Tools: NGINX, libqos
A script that scrapes the value of the LBP against the USD at the shadow market rate, then stores it in a DB.
Tools: Python, AWS Lambda, MongoDB, Docker
Conway's Game of Life cellular automata simulation in JavaScript.
Tools: JavaScript🍦, p5.js
A suite of automated tests for an E-Bank using Selenium and TestNG.
Tools: Selenium, Java, TestNG
A collection of thoughts, articles, and documentation.
An article about cloud load testing concepts, tools and best practices.
An article about test environment management best practices.
Non-Functional testing types and best practices.
A comprehensive guide for API testing with Playwright, including practical examples and best practices.
A short summary of my background and experience.